If you are in the country legally or illegally in San Bernardino or Riverside, have a Green Card or any type of Visa having a clean Criminal record could be pertinent to maintaining your legal status up to date.
Criminal records can affect you in the long run if you are planning or are in the process of commencing any kind of documentation process to obtain legal status in the US.
There are 2 main categories for immigration purposes that can hinder your immigration status: Crimes of Moral turpitude and aggravated felonies. Crimes of moral turpitude refer to any act that is against justice, honesty or good morals such as fraud. Aggravated felonies are crimes that are more serious in nature like any type of sexual abuse case or any case involving any type of trafficking.
We can assist you in cleaning your criminal record for any type of matter and getting your record expunged to make the Immigration process a lot easier.
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